Mon 27 Jan
VIP Fiji's VISITING NYC 7/4-7/8 Asian Latina w/ STELLAR reviews~ Discounts 4 PreBooked PlayTime - 26
(Manhattan, Midtown East)
Visiting Jan 21st-27th discounts on Pre-Booked Play time-UM Play with me this week baby! Im ! - 26
(Midtown East)
Reviews Say It ALL!!! Visit SexyFiji& Get your Pleasure! 2Day incall near Longmont - 31
(Boulder, Ft Collins, Longmont hwy119 & I25)
Highly Reviewed Sexy Asian Latina Visiting 36DD Beautiful Face Gorgeous Smile & Superior Talents - 29
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Cambridge (Boston Area))
♡♡latina palymate upscale location 15 min free special - 22
(North Bay, san Rafael upscell locatoin)
Exotic Bubble Booty Cutie Open minded Mouth :) 100% Real Come See Why Im The Best!!! - 21
(Midtown East, West 40's ((TIMES SQUARE)) incalls)
Busty Well Physiqued Exotic Blonde Visiting W GirlFriend Come get Me Before I Go - 21
(NorthRidge ,Ic And Oc, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley)
TrEaT -:¦:- YoUrSeLF -:¦:- To ThE BeSt BuStY -:¦:- GiRl NeXt DoOr (¯`☆`¯) - 22
(Lansing & surrounding in/out)
☎CaLL NoW!!! GUESS who's BacK DA AMaziNG MRS.FIJI $50 SPEciAL ☎CaLL NoW!!! - 22
(Philadelphia, philly/NORTHEAST WHERE U WANT TO BE)
◆◇ FIJI ◆◇ $60 SPECIAL ◆◇ Freaky ◆◇ Fun ◆◇ Sexy Chocolate ◆◇ Cme Get It - 21
(Philadelphia, darby/airport)
💋💋💋 ErOtiC🔥 eXoTiC💎Big BoOty👙💋 Beautiful sexy💋 fReAk💋New Video!!!818-310-7693 - 23
(Downtown, LAX area Inglewood Ca 405 frwy)
ErOtiC🔥 eXoTiC💎Big BoOty👙💋 Beautiful sexy💋 fReAk💋818-310-7693 - 23
(Downtown, Inglewood ca, LAX area)
Erotic Head 💋hunter👅ExOtIc **BeAuTiFuL**💄👠👙 BiG BoOtY!!! FrEaK!!!! in & outs 8183107693 - 22
(Downtown, Inglewood ca/ LAX area (818)310-7693)
Sun 26 Jan
Mi$$ Fiji bk 50/70/120 ONLY!!←←°D●nt mi$$ Out Leave 2mar!!! - 21
(Richmond, !95 exit 45 Petersburg in/outs)
Tue 21 Jan
Flat Rates, NO upsale $100 _SpECiALS _ $10O__ $100 _SpECiALS _...24/7 " INCALL - 19
(Las Vegas, The Strip)
Indian beauty - 20
(City of San Jose, Cupertino, East Bay, Fremont, Milpitas, San Jose / South Bay, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale)
SexyFiji Visiting TODAY ONLY Highly Reviewed AsianLatina 36DD(*)(*) TIGHT&TALENTED; - 31
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs I25 & N.Academy)
Last Day In COS Military Discounts: 2 Naughty Kittins Want 2 Rock UR World!! - 29
(Colorado Springs)
So Sexy &Amazing; This Lady Is the Ultimate Dream Girl- www. sexyfiji .com - 26
(Central Denver- I25 near Santa Fe)
SexyFiji Visiting Grand Jct Highly Reviewed AsianLatina 36DD(*)(*) TIGHT&TALENTED; - 31
(Colorado Springs, Grand junction)
REAL PICS!! 100~Special CALL FIJI ~HOT Asian Latina Exotic Lady& w/ STELLAR reviews - 27
(Denver, Denver I25 near Santa Fe)
Im Back from vacation & Im sooo Horny, soaking wett, supr tight, P*S waiting for your HARD..........
Hot NEW GFE*100Special % SeXXXy GFE Kitten WANTS your CREAM! Im waiting4 U! - 24
(DENVER I25&SantaFe;)
SexyFiji 4 Girl Friend Fun or FIonaHandy 4 FreakyFetish Fun~Hott AsianLatina 36DD's &Talented; - 31
(Boulder, Ft Collins, Longmont I25 and highway 119)
Highly Reviewd SexyFiji- Asian Latina in Louisville- 36DD Gorgeous Smile & Superior Talents - 29
(Boulder, louisville)
Reviews Say It ALL!!! Get your Pleasure dont get ripped off!! 2Day InCall off I25 &Alameda; Denver - 31
(Boulder, Denver Alemeda&I25;, Ft Collins)
Downtown Denver Now Til 12/24 Sexxy Fiji & Friend Highly Reviewed Tight & Talented - 31
(Boulder, Ft Collins, Grand Junction)
Brooke Alexander a GFE that will BLOW not just your mind!! 100~Special CUM and CUM with a seXXXy GFE - 25
(I-25 near Santa Fe)
Best of the BEST with reviews to assure that!! dont settle for LESS!! Put it in Baby!!
(Central Denver)
Highly Reviewed Sexy Asian Latina Visiting NOW 36DD Beautiful Face Gorgeous Smile & Superior Talents - 29
(Denver, 120th & I25 Westminster)
100Special % SeXXXy GFE wet Kitten WANTS your CREAM! CUM & CUM Now! Im waiting4 U! - 24
(DENVER I25&SantaFe;)
100 UTF special ~ AsianLatina w/ Talents Beyond your IMAGINATION! - 26
(I25 near Santa Fe in Denver)
100 SPECIAL Sun-Wed ONLY!!! Ask Fiji 4 Detail- Sexy Asian Latina with SKILLs like NO Other!! - 26
(Denver I25&SantaFe;)
100special SeXXXy NEW Pics~ AsianLatina w/ Talents Beyond your IMAGINATION!! CUM cum w/ ME Big BOY!
(Central Denver)
100 SPECIAL!!! Ask Fiji 4 Detail- Sexy Asian Latina with SKILLs like NO Other!! - 26
(Denver-I25 Near Santa Fe)
Unparalleled Skills Stellar Reviews It's PlayTime! Come Play with Fiji - 31
(Alameda and I25, City of Denver, Denver)
Sexy Asian Latina Visiting NOW-17th HighlyReviewd Talented Gorgeous Exotic Beauty w/ perfect36DD's - 32
(Boston, Boston Area Suburbs, Boston/Camb/Brook)
~ Chocolate Sensation GET ur MONEY'$ worth...SPEND it w/a BOOTYFUL miXed hottie - 21
(South Shore, in your pants,on your bed,in your hotel)
Sun 12 Jan
🎀🎀 JaW DroppinG 🎀🎀 ExoTic Fiji BEAUTY 🎀🎀»-★-» ThE WaY »-★-»YOU WANT IT♥ - 22
(Los Angeles, downtown la luxurios incall/outcall)
Indian beauty!! Princess jasmine👑 - 20
(City of San Jose, Cupertino, East Bay, Fremont, Milpitas, Mountain View, San Jose / South Bay, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale)
💋sPecials💋Erotic💋 eXoTiC💎Big BoOty👙💋 Beautiful sexy💋 fReAk💋 Video!!!818-310-7693 - 22
(Downtown, LAX area 405 frwy)
💋Specials💋💋 ErOtiC🔥 eXoTiC💎Big BoOty👙💋 Beautiful sexy💋 fReAk💋New Video!!!818-310-7693 - 23
(Downtown, LAX area Inglewood Ca 405 frwy)
Sat 11 Jan
Indian beauty - 20
(City of San Jose, East Bay, Fremont, San Francisco, San Jose / South Bay, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale)
Specials 💋Seductive☀Juicy Sexy ExOtIc💋BeAuTiFul big booty freak 605_308_5227 out calls only - 22
(Downtown, lax area/ Inglewood/Culver city/Hollywoo, Los Angeles)
💎💍Seductive Saturday 👅Juicy Sexy👙👅ExOtIc 💋BeAuTiFuL**💄👠👙 BiG BoOtY outcalls in surrounding - 22
(Downtown, Inglewood ca/ LAX area 818-564-1502)
HERE FOR WEEKEND. Adorable👯KinKy💯WiLD Big Booty Freak💕😘💏 - 22
(North Bay, Vallejo, Vallejo,Benicia, Fairfield, etc.)
The All Natural Bahamian/Native American Beauty wants to be your dream come true!. - 22
(West Palm Beach, I95 off Belvedere)
__★ T H E ★ ___ ★ G I R L ★ ____ ★ O F ★ ____ ★ Y O U R ★ __★ DRE A M S ★ - 21
(Lansing, Lansing & Surrounding Areas)
FrEaKy💋sPecials💋Erotic💋 eXoTiC💎Big BoOty👙💋 Beautiful sexy💋 fReAk💋 Video!!!818-310-7693 - 22
(Downtown, LAX area Inglewood Ca 405 frwy)
Indian beauty💗 - 20
(City of San Jose, Cupertino, East Bay, Fremont, Milpitas, San Jose / South Bay, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale)
VISITING~BOSTON Exotic Sexy Seductive Sensual Talented Mind~ Lady Best of the Best here4u NOW - 25
Fri 10 Jan
$ 5 O ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ C U R V Y ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ CHOCOLATE♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ F R E A K Y ♥$ 5 O S P E C I A L S - 21
(Philadelphia, airportdarby)